Monday, June 9, 2008

sad sonoco blues

a little sunburnt and sweaty with the smell of miller high life on my 3 day in a row t shirt. i guess starting with mike side pocket west aville, nc.. i played to 4 of the drunkest people known to man, and they loved it. by the end of the night it was me and the bartender and a moonshine hauler, no shit.. i loved this place and we're going to do a two man band show in july. im really hoping to get our name on one of those nascar bush beer posters. yeah! so on to thursday got hammered at bottomless brew night in johnson citie tn. woke up a little bewilered and with no money. i went to the local coffee house and played a lunchtime blues set to people who looked at me like i was a complete pile. i made lunch money,and thanks to grocery stores with samples!! and yes the deli workers probabally have my picture posted behind the scales as the guy who makes sandwiches from the weird domed sample treys. anyway i strategically parked the van so i could ride the bike to and fro drunken and ipod cranking..mmmm i love my bike. met a shit load of freaks had great converstaions even a 15 minuter with a gas station attendant, who read from his new play, pretty awesome amongst the gatorade and cigarettes and weird snack cakes which will never go bad.. anyway friday night duncan and i went on at 1am at the hoot. packed and loud. we made cash. finally.. i woke up in the country side near a river with my ears ringing and beautiful mtns.. 30 minutes from town i had to haul ass to make our saturday afternoon gig 3pm. i crushed some h20 nailed down a weird burger and made it just in time.. we had a lovely afternoon played for a shit load of old folks.hippies.gangstas i was extermely whacked out from the past few days, well actually years, it was an unhibited blast. after the shows were over i was glad to fade into the crowd and crush some brews. by 1am id had my fill and woke up today sweating my balls off in a random apartment complex. yep i bought a fan for the van today. yahoooo. massive show tommorow with black diamond heavies in chattanooga for bessie smith strut. ita about 4 hrs from where i am now. hoping not to have to play sad blues as the sonoco for gas money. ha. check in the next few days got some great video and pics coming. love yall have a great week.

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